Systems that fit your life.
Accessories that fit your lifestyle.
The magic of Berkey®.
For the purity of nature.

Clean your tap water
to the level of rainwater.
Berkey® water systems feature world-famous Black Berkey Elements to completely mechanically remove or dramatically reduce:
● >99.9999% of pathogenic bacteria
● Protozoa (such as giardia and cryptosporidium)
● Trihalomethanes
● Inorganic minerals
● Heavy metals(including arsenic, lead, mercury, chromium)
● Pharmaceutical drugs (including caffeine, Acetaminophen,
Ibuprofen, Progesterone, Triclosan)
● And much more

Clean your tap water
to the level of rainwater.
Berkey® water systems feature world-famous Black Berkey Elements to completely mechanically remove or dramatically reduce:
● >99.9999% of pathogenic bacteria
● Protozoa (such as giardia and cryptosporidium)
● Trihalomethanes
● Inorganic minerals
● Heavy metals(including arsenic, lead, mercury, chromium)
● Pharmaceutical drugs (including caffeine, Acetaminophen,
Ibuprofen, Progesterone, Triclosan)
● And much more

Shop with confidence.
Drink with certainty.
We share your passion for healthy, clean
living. When you’re ready to take control of
your water—life’s most essential element—we are here to provide the purest, tastiest
drinking water for you and your loved ones. At
home, on the go, and in case of emergency,
Berkey is your life’s waterline.

Courteous, Informed Support
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Free Returns Within 30 Days